Ports and Marinas

ports and marinas full of moored boats
Integrity, digitization and innovation for sustainable ports

Seares sets new standards for sustainable port management, our solutions not only improve operational efficiency, but also help ports lead the way in the global shift towards a greener, smarter maritime sector. 

Seares ports are:

Hitech And Sustainable


Protection And Safety
Seares solutions reduce load on mooring lines by up to -90% and accelerations on docks by 50%, improving port safety and mooring line integrity. Choosing our technology prevents structural damage, accidents, and increases customer comfort.


Data Generation & Management

Seares moorings capture load and acceleration data, and through our cloud-based data management platform, we manage mooring line conditions and enable strategic maintenance planning.


Energy Recovery

Mechatronic technology enables the convertion of each wave into electricity for internal use by the marina, successfully increasing its share of renewable energy.

Our Solutions for Ports and Marinas

Safety and Technology

Seares solutions reduce peak loads on mooring lines by up to -90%, improving the integrity of the entire mooring system and reducing operational costs.

We reduce accelerations on docks by up to 50%, enhancing comfort during vessel walking and boarding.

Increased berth capacity.

Potential  for increasing mooring fees due to the enhanced comfort and safety provided by the port.

Our advanced sensors analyse the loads and forces exerted on infrastructure, enabling accurate initial sizing of berths

Constant monitoring prevents structural damage to the harbour

The mechatronic technology of our Devices autonomously anticipates and adjusts the response to marine weather events ensuring the safety of the facilities.

Time to take a decision

Why now?

The choice for

Sustainable Transition

Energy Saving

Our technology mitigates the energy needs of ports through mechatronic technology built into Seadamp systems, capable of recovering energy from wave motion during regular berth operations.

Transparent Water

The use of Seares technology reduces sediment suspension within harbours, increasing water transparency and reducing the spillover effect

Circular Economy

Seadamps are sustainably manufactured and designed to increase their durability and that of the components of the entire mooring system.

We are already


Yacht Club di Monaco

Porto di Pisa

Porto di Mayotte

Marina Cala dei Sardi

Marina System Iberica

Porto di Tangeri

Isola del Giglio

Marinas require

Integrated Solutions

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Increased Extreme Weather Events

According to various reports, including the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the number of weather-related disasters has surged fivefold over the last 50 years. Economic losses have increased sevenfold, largely driven by more frequent and severe storms.

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Energy Costs

The Global Maritime Forum estimates that the adoption of green technologies can reduce energy costs by 20-30%.

Let’s turn marinas into Next Level Marinas

Next Level Marina

Contact Us

Do you have questions or need more information? We are here to help you. If you are curious about our solutions, interested in partnering with us, or simply want to learn more about how Seares can support your goals, please feel free to contact us.

Contact us today and let’s start building a better future together.

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